Inspired by Andrej Tarkovskij's book "Sculping in Time", CONTINUUM is made of travertine marble and it is displayed in a private garden not far from Florence. It is made up of 110 elements positioned one on top of the other and shaped following an octagonal form. Clearly visible on the bottom part of the sculpture, each piece is positioned creating a counterclockwise movement, giving the sculpture a dynamic effect and at the same time suggesting a strong connection with the timeless aspect of it. From the bottom to the top, each piece tends to lose its original shape becoming completely anthropomorphic. In fact, if the bottom part of it resembles a doric architectural column, step by step it loses this feature becoming a sort of vegetal element. From an architectural object to a vegetal, from a column to a tree.
Massively used during the ancient Roman architecture period, the travertine marble will have a huge impact on the final result. As suggested in the title and because of its distinguishing feature (the travertine marble is highly porous), Continuum will tend to change during the next few years. The wind will bring seeds inside the cracks of the marble, little animals will become its inhabitants and the grass will grow upon it, while the cold weather during the winters to come will slightly change some parts more delicate than others. Therefore, what is visible today is not the sculpture definite result, that has been instead designed to change accepting the work of time as the most important factor in the process of its creation.

CONTINUUM – 2017, travertine marble, environmental dimensions - Private garden, Florence, Italy (permanent installation) - Photo credits: Bärbel Reinhard